Apple has launched a new public beta for iOS and iPadOS 18 today. This Public Beta 2 comes after last week’s release of Developer Beta 4 and includes the latest updates and features for public beta testers. Here’s what’s new in this release.
Installing iOS 18 public beta 2
To install the iOS and iPadOS 18 public beta, you must first be enrolled in the public beta program. If you haven’t enrolled yet, you can find instructions here.
If you’re already using the first iOS 18 public beta, you can download Beta 2 by going to Settings ⇾ General ⇾ Software Update on your device. Ensure that ‘iOS 18 Public Beta’ is selected in the ‘Beta Updates’ menu.
What’s new in the latest public beta
Apple has introduced a variety of new features and revisions in the new public beta. These match the changes we saw in developer beta 4.