Why Home Page Design Matters More Than You Think


The Home Page

The home page acts as the landing page of the portfolio website. Visitors use it to take specific actions such as viewing basic information, downloading resumes, visiting social media accounts, and redirecting to create e-mails.

This is the most essential page of a website since it is the first thing that visitors will see. Valuing the first impression of visitors is a must since it can be either positive or negative. A home page can make or break the interest of visitors to the website.


Upon accessing the portfolio website, the first thing that the visitors will see is the home page. Due to this reason, it is significant to have a compelling design to impress visitors, generate more engagements, close deals, and leave a positive first impression on target customers. The home page is the entire online first impression of a professional. Thus, it must shine and leave a mark on visitors.

Important Parts of Home Page

Here are the parts a home page must have to engage with the visitor more effectively


Navigation Bar

Lists the different pages of the website. This is also known as the menu bar, the designer can add in creativity but it should also have a user friendly layout.


Call To Action

Also known as "CTA," it can appear as a clickable button or as a hyper-linked text, which is part of the page that can be seen directly.



Featured on the website for the users to read and gain information about. In the case of a portfolio website, it’s the basic information about the person.



The image in this part of the page can be the background that will be seen and can be the added picture within the page.

Reasons Why Home Page is the Most Important Page

These are the reasons why home page is the most significant page of a website


1. The very first thing they see is the home page

The home page of a website is typically the first thing visitors notice when they arrive. They use that initial impression to positively or negatively judge a company or individual.


2. The home page is a valuable landing page

The key goal is to hold engagement and keep them on the website. The home page can direct people to more in-depth pages of the website. It must show how well-suited a company or individual is as a partner to a future customer.


3. Every visitor views the home page

Although visitors may land on other pages of your website, the goal is for them to navigate it. They return to the home page at least once during their stay by observing how visitors navigate through the website.


4. Home page sets the tone and represents the brand

The home page establishes how unique and superior an entity is to its competitors. The tagline and logo for the company must take center stage. The ideals and goals should be clear from the home page.


The home page greets the visitors when they arrive at the website, establishing the tone for the rest of their experience. A well-designed home page can positively shape customer impressions, encouraging them to browse the portfolio website for much longer. It should be visually appealing, simple to use, and clearly explain to visitors what is all about the portfolio website.
Having an effective home page will convince the visitors to be more inclined to trust the services provided by a professional and the person themselves, which will also help to develop credibility for both parties. While, having good projects does not result in numerous customer engagements. Without a compelling home page, visitors might leave the website sooner rather than later, neglecting the outstanding works in the website.