SOURCE: Thermozone
About Thermozone
(TPC) is the leading provider of die cutted insulation to commercial air conditioning manufacturers in the country. It diversified its products and services to Park development, supply packaging requirements to electronics, automotive and manufacturing companies. It is the company’s policy to deliver high quality products and services to its market.
Core Values
Corporate Culture
In our corporate vision, we aspire to be the vanguard of industry innovation and excellence, committed to shaping a future where our organization stands as a paragon of success. Grounded in unwavering professionalism, our vision extends beyond conventional boundaries, emphasizing the pursuit of cutting-edge solutions, ethical practices, and sustained growth. With a focus on global leadership, we strive to set new benchmarks, consistently exceeding expectations and contributing positively to the industries we serve.
Our corporate vision is a testament to our relentless dedication to excellence, foresight, and the creation of lasting value for our stakeholders in an ever-evolving business landscape.
Partner and Affiliates